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Serenity Stones
at the
Hollistic Wellness
Psychic Expo
November 16
10:00AM - 3:00PM
Hazen Union High School
126 Hazen Union Dr.
Hardwick, VT
*For Fair Visitors*
10% off crystals with this code:
Expires 3pm 11/16/2024
May not be combined with any other offers.
FREE Admission
Event & Raffle Supports
the Lamoille Area Cancer Network
Explore the many pathways to wellness
with Vendors offering:
Reiki, Massage, Bodywork, Sound Healing,
Essential Oils, Tarot or Angel card readings,
Individual Medium sessions, and more!
Food by The Whetstone Wellness Cafe
Visit my booth where you'll find:
*Healing Crystals
*Mineral Specimens from around the world
*Sea Witch Botanicals products
*Books, new and used
*Oracle and Tarot cards
*Quartz Singing Bowls
*and more!!
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